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How Long Khan Was Stranded & Why He Hated Kirk So Much

How Long Khan Was Stranded & Why He Hated Kirk So Much

Before the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, how long was Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalban) stranded and simmering in his hatred of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner)? Directed by Nicholas Meyer, Star Trek II is perhaps the most revered Star Trek movie among fans. 1982’s Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is a sequel to the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Space Seed,” which introduced the genetically engineered warlord who became Star Trek‘s greatest villain.

Star Trek: Khan, a new audio drama from Nicholas Meyer, writers Kirsten Beyer and David Mack, and director Fred Greenhalgh, will present the untold story of what happened to Khan, his wife Marla McGivers (Madlyn Rhue), and his followers after the events of Star Trek: The Original Series. At the end of “Space Seed,” Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise left Khan and his people on the planet Ceti Alpha V. Khan wouldn’t be seen again until years later in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, after nearly two decades of catastrophe, loss, and bitterness.

How Long Captain Kirk Stranded Khan Until Star Trek II

Khan Had Almost Two Decades To Hate Kirk

Star Trek: The Original Series‘ “Space Seed” happened in 2267 and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan takes place in 2285. Therefore, 18 years have passed since Captain Kirk stranded Khan on Ceti Alpha V. However, only 15 years passed in real-time since Star Trek: The Original Series‘ “Space Seed” aired on NBC in 1967 and Star Trek II hit movie theaters in 1982. Regardless, Khan had ample time to simmer in his hatred of the man he would be incensed to discover became Admiral Kirk.


Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan’s Story Only Happens Because Starfleet Makes A Big Mistake

Khan Noonien Singh went on a rampage in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, but how did Starfleet make the mistake that released Khan anyway?

In the 18 years after the Starship Enterprise left Khan and his followers on Ceti Alpha V, neither Captain Kirk nor Starfleet returned to check on them. If Kirk had, he would have learned that six months after leaving Khan on Ceti Alpha V, the neighboring Ceti Alpha VI exploded, shifting V’s orbit. Originally a lush but wild world, Ceti Alpha V was turned into a barren, inhospitable wasteland where the only indigenous species to survive were the poisonous Ceti eels.

Star Trek’s New Audio Drama Can Reveal More Of Why Kirk Hated Khan

Star Trek: Khan Will Tell The Story Of Ceti Alpha V

Originally announced in 2022, Star Trek: Khan will finally tell the story of what happened during the nearly two decades after Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise stranded Khan and his people on Ceti Alpha V. In Star Trek: Khan, Naveen Andrews (Lost) voices Khan, and Wrenn Schmidt (For All Mankind) plays Lt. Marla McGivers, the Starfleet Officer who became Khan’s beloved wife.

Presumably, the destruction of Ceti Alpha VI and the death of Marla McGivers because of the Ceti eels will be pivotal events in Star Trek: Khan.

An intriguing aspect of Star Trek: Khan, however, will be the fracturing of Khan Noonien Singh’s psyche as he blames Captain Kirk for all he has suffered. After all, at the end of Star Trek: The Original Series’ “Space Seed,” Khan was amenable and even excited by the challenge of his own “world to tame.” Star Trek: Khan will finally chronicle the tragedy that Khan blames Captain Kirk for in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Release Date

June 4, 1982


112 Minutes


Nicholas Meyer


Jack B. Sowards

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