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I Love Frozen And The Lion King Equally, But One Of These Disney Classics Has A Clear Advantage Over The Other

I Love Frozen And The Lion King Equally, But One Of These Disney Classics Has A Clear Advantage Over The Other

The Lion King and Frozen are both beloved Disney movies with devoted fans. From James Earl Jones’ captivating performance as Mufasa to Frozen’s spectacular musical sequences, both movies have provided meaningful moments that become cherished memories. The timeless themes of growing up and learning how to become your person, combined with the music and lovable casts of characters have made Frozen and The Lion King standout entries in Disney’s catalog.

However, those franchises are currently on opposite trajectories. As of today, The Lion King has had two movie sequels, a pair of TV shows, and two live-action movies. Meanwhile, Frozen has only had one sequel, but Disney has already announced a third and fourth entry into the Frozen franchise, ensuring that Elsa and Anna will continue to be on the big screen. These opposite paths show the differences between the two franchises but also demonstrate the clear advantage that Frozen holds over the 1990s classic.

Frozen Has A Better Sequel Than The Lion King

Frozen II Lives Up to the Original Better than Simba’s Pride

The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride is not a bad sequel, but the direct-to-VHS movie fails to capture the same magic as the original. While the story of young love makes this a bit more kid-friendly, the animation, music, and emotional impact of the story all lag in comparison. The Lion King is more memorable and has more to keep you intrigued. On the flip side, Frozen II has a soundtrack that feels closer to its original and stunning animation that looks even better than the original. Their compelling story adds new layers to the franchise’s growing world.

Simba’s Pride feels stuck in the past at times, utilizing familiar villains and rehashing part of the first movie. Frozen II avoided that mistake by going to a new world, expanding the world within the franchise. The introduction of the spirits and utilization of new characters allowed for the story to feel fresh and give an explanation that fans had been asking for. That world-building opened up the door for more sequels and allowed for a richer story. Through learning more about the characters and their past, you can connect with them better, something that Simba’s Pride lacked.

The Lion King Franchise Never Lived Up To The Original Movie

None of the Movies or TV Shows Could Capture the Magic

The Lion King set a very high bar to live up to, but none of its sequels, prequels, or remakes could figure out what made the original so good. Both of its direct-to-consumer sequels failed to garner as much praise, with the soundtracks lacking big hits and the stories feeling less impactful. Simba’s Pride was closer in feel, but The Lion King 1 1/2 understood itself and gave beloved characters more backstory, helping make the original better. However, their animation styles lacked the same edge that the original had, leading to less critical acclaim.

10 Best Lion King Songs, Ranked

The best songs in the Lion King franchise bring every emotion to life, enhancing the story and making the movies unforgettable classics loved by all.

While the live-action movies have been received decently, they lack the feel of the original. Both look beautiful, but the updated cast doesn’t bring about the feeling of nostalgia that the original does. The classic animation style told the story beautifully and the emotion was felt easier than with live action. Frozen does not have a live-action remake and has kept the emotions high throughout its sequels, putting it a notch above The Lion King. While both franchises are adored and every movie will have its fans, Frozen has shown that it’s on top for now.

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