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I’m Genuinely So Relieved 1 Marvel Comic Star-Lord Replacement Seems Impossible For The MCU Despite Their 11-Year-Long Movie Story

I’m Genuinely So Relieved 1 Marvel Comic Star-Lord Replacement Seems Impossible For The MCU Despite Their 11-Year-Long Movie Story

A replacement for Peter Quill, AKA Star-Lord, feels imminent, but I’m relieved that one contender for the role is basically impossible, despite them boasting an 11-year-old career in the MCU. Star-Lord’s own MCU career has been particularly colorful, earning fame as the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, a team that became a sleeper hit for the MCU after James Gunn catapulted the previously obscure collection of spacefaring vagabonds into superstardom. Now, the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is among the most acclaimed in the MCU, an accolade that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 helped to bolster.

Chris Pratt’s rendition of the cosmic swashbuckler has made him one of the MCU’s most beloved characters, thanks to his quick wit and relatable characterization. Star-Lord’s MCU arc has seen him interact with the Avengers, most notably Thor, and defend the galaxy from some pretty monumental threats, like his father, the celestial living planet, Ego. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 ended with the promise that Star-Lord would return for a future MCU installment (most likely Avengers: Secret Wars), though it remains unlikely that this will be as the leader of the team for which he became famous.

Star-Lord’s MCU Story Makes An Impending Marvel Replacement Likely

Star-Lord Has Retired From The Guardians

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 ostensibly saw Star-Lord retiring from the titular team after successfully taking down the megalomaniac High Evolutionary and nearly losing his life and that of his best friend, Rocket Raccoon. He was last seen returning to Earth and his grandfather, settling for a relatively normal and notably more peaceful life. Rocket Raccoon then seemingly stepped in as the leader of a new group of Guardians, comprising Groot, Kraglin, Cosmo, Adam Warlock, and Phyla. From here, there are two directions the MCU could take, should Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.4 be in the pipeline.

The first is that Star-Lord returns to his duties. He is, after all, inexorably tied to the group, and it feels decidedly atypical to have him strike out alone while the Guardians resume their cosmic adventures without him. This would also pay off the tease that Star-Lord would return in a future installment.

Star-Lord plays a key role in the 2015 “Secret Wars” run of comics, which the MCU is expected to adapt in Avengers: Secret Wars.

The second is that Star-Lord is definitively replaced in a future installment. The likely candidate here is Rocket, given his last appearance in the MCU setting up as much. Nevertheless, Marvel has just thrown another contender into the ring with its comics.

1 Controversial Star-Lord Comic Replacement Pick Is Effectively Impossible In The MCU

Howard The Duck Becomes The Leader Of The Guardians In Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics recently released a celebratory anthology series for one of its most unique and memorable characters, Howard the Duck, as the character turned 50 years old. The series depicts Howard in a series of What If…? stories, with one in particular standing out from the rest. This story shows Howard the Duck taking charge of the Guardians of the Galaxy, stepping into Peter Quill’s shoes, complete with his recognizable mask molded to fit Howard the Duck’s beak.


James Gunn Is Even More Right Now: The Guardians Of The Galaxy Are More Powerful Than The Avengers

James Gunn accurately predicted how the MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy would surpass the Avengers in terms of power, all thanks to Vol. 3’s ending.

Howard the Duck is officially canon in the MCU. He was first revealed in the post-credits scene for Guardians of the Galaxy, voiced by Seth Green, where he interacts with the Collector and sips a drink. He has also starred in a much-maligned episode of the MCU’s What If…? series, where he fathers a child with Darcy Lewis. Due to Howard the Duck’s expressly comical and distinctly minor appearances in the MCU, it therefore remains incredibly unlikely that Marvel Studios intends to make such a bold move as having him head-up the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Star-Lord Does Have A Possible Replacement In The MCU Upcoming

Another Spacefaring Human Might Be About To Join The MCU

Again, if the role doesn’t fall to Rocket, then there is a much more viable option open to Marvel Studios within an upcoming MCU project. The human vagabond thrust into a cosmic adventure is a trope Star-Lord shares with Richard Rider, AKA Nova, who is slated to star in a self-titled series down the line in the MCU. Rider is more straight-laced than Quill, but there is a comic book precedent for him working alongside the Guardians, making him a prime contender for the role of leader should the MCU wield its creative license once more.

Unfortunately, recent developments have thrown this eventuality into disarray.

Unfortunately, recent developments have thrown this eventuality into disarray. In a move seemingly stemming from its pivot to a quality over quantity ethos, Marvel Studios has put an indefinite pause on the development of Nova. Outside of a live-action debut in another movie, this could be curtains for the character before he could even take off. Then again, with the success of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, the possibility of Nova stepping in in Star-Lord‘s absence in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.4 could still be a feasible outcome.

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