One popular theory for A Court Of Thorns and Roses suggests that there is a traitor within the Night Court’s Inner Circle, with several options for who it could be popping up among readers. While news about the next A Court Of Thorns and Roses book has been minimal, audiences who love the series have continued to speculate about what book six will include. Many of these theories focus on whom the book’s protagonist will be and how those within the Inner Circle will evolve or, in some cases, devolve due to previous events.
The theory that a member of The Inner Circle will betray the protagonists in the next A Court Of Thorns and Roses book is as prevalent as the evil Rhysand theory. Though the series has proven that the Night Court’s cutthroat and cruel reputation is for show, some think that malice may be real and could be turned back on them by one of their own, with previous events adding fuel to the fire. How this theory came to be, however, starts at the end of Sarah J. Maas’ last book and has only grown from there.
Is There A Traitor In ACOTAR’s Inner Circle? Why Sarah J. Maas Fans Think So
Sarah J. Maas fans think that there is a traitor within the Inner Circle in this A Court Of Thorns and Roses theory due to a specific quote from the latest book’s main villain. Although the Night Court is considered the most powerful Prythian Fae court, many enemies have accosted the characters within its borders, including the Mortal Queen Briallyn in A Court Of Silver Flames. It was her comment during one of those attacks that sparked this theory, as Queen Braillyn hinted that many would be happy to betray the Night Court.
Queen Briallyn was also referring to Bellius, whom she compelled to betray the Valkyries.
Maas herself has never confirmed the theory to be true, but various readers believe this to be confirmation that a traitor is within the Inner Circle. Braillyn’s comment could be telling as she mentioned that some would betray Rhysand for power, which key members of the Night Court could use to both further their ends or simply level the playing field against him. However, the specific characters who could betray the Inner Circle in A Court Of Thorns and Roses‘ next installment may have different but just as vital motives.
Who Could Betray The Inner Circle In Future Court Of Thorns & Roses Books And Why
Mor & Azriel Are The Most Likely Candidates
Morrigan and Azriel stand out as the two most likely to be the alleged traitor within the Inner Circle due to how their arcs have transpired so far in the A Court Of Thorns and Roses series. Audiences’ most popular pick for the ACOTAR traitor theory is Mor, largely because little is known about her powers, and she has not been the most truthful throughout the story. Mor’s anger at Eris is also a strong motivator for betrayal, as Rhysand allied with him without her knowledge, causing a rift between them during the third book that may not have fully healed.

Sorry ACOTAR Fans, I Don’t Think Azriel & Elain Will End Up Together
Azriel and Elain’s relationship is very unlikely to pan out in future ACOTAR books, despite the theories surrounding their story by fans.
Azriel is the second most likely to betray The Inner Circle as, after his bonus chapter in the fifth book, he is being forced to stay away from Elain on Rhysand’s orders. His abilities and secrecy are also highly suspect. That being said, that logic can also be applied to Lucien, who is another contender for this theory due to his loyalties to Tamlin and his own desires towards Elain as her mate. No matter who it is, including a traitor in the next A Court Of Thorns and Roses novel makes sense as it avoids repeating the same conflict from previous books.
A Traitor Would Be A Great Way To Shake Up The Night Court In Future ACOTAR Sequels
The Main Threat Can Be Internal Over External
Devastating though it would be, featuring a betrayer of the Night Court’s Inner Circle would be a great way to address some aspects of the world in A Court Of Thorns and Roses‘s future sequels as well as a way to shock everyone. If Mor is the traitor, then Maas can use her betrayal as a way to discuss Fae society’s rampant misogyny, which is one of the biggest problems with the Fae in ACOTAR. That same storyline could work for Azriel and Lucien, since Elain would be the focus of the conflict, highlighting their belief in their ownership over women.
Having the danger come from within would allow the next A Court Of Thorns and Roses book to subvert expectations and explore new avenues for the characters as they try to find the traitor among their ranks.
Not only that, but Maas could have this arc be the main storyline, shifting the primary conflict of the narrative from an external to an internal threat. Throughout the series, the danger comes almost entirely from external sources, from Hybern to Queen Braillyn to Koschei, creating strong action moments but also limited progression for the Night Court. Having the danger come from within would allow the next A Court Of Thorns and Roses book to subvert expectations and explore new avenues for the characters as they try to find the traitor among their ranks.
Book |
Release Date |
A Court of Thorns and Roses |
2015 |
A Court of Mist and Fury |
2016 |
A Court of Wings and Ruin |
2017 |
A Court of Frost and Starlight (novella) |
2018 |
A Court of Silver Flames |
2021 |
A Court of Thorns and Roses book #6 |