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Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise Writers Reveal 1 Game Character They Hope To Introduce: “Our Thanos”

Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise Writers Reveal 1 Game Character They Hope To Introduce: “Our Thanos”

Warning: SPOILERS lie ahead for Sonic the Hedgehog 3!On the heels of bringing in a handful of new characters with the latest installment, franchise writers Josh Miller and Pat Casey reveal a Sonic the Hedgehog character they hope to introduce in the future. While Keanu Reeves’ Shadow the Hedgehog and Jim Carrey’s Gerald Robotnik were the big selling points for the new movie, Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s cast introduced a few other key game characters, including Alyla Browne’s Maria Robotnik, a non-verbal Amy Rose and army of Metal Sonics. The latter two were saved for a credits scene to set up the next movie.

During a recent interview with Collider to discuss Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s release, Miller and Casey looked to the future of the franchise and which characters they’d like to introduce. The duo began by praising their working relationship with SEGA, calling the game publisher “great partners, while also acknowledging that when it comes to new characters, the studio gives them “parameters” to work with:

Josh Miller: It’s such an obvious answer, but it’s crazy that we’re three movies in and we keep bringing in essentially two new characters in each sequel. And we still know that fans are saying, “When are we going to get to see so-and-so? What about this one?” So it’s not hard to imagine there can be easily several more sequels and keep expanding the universe. The franchise has not done a whole lot really into the idea of where Sonic came from. I mean, I know Sega has their specific parameters on what to do with that, but there’s still so much room for it to grow.

Pat Casey: I feel like these movies, as they continue to succeed, we’re also earning more and more leeway from Sega as they trust us more and more. Sega have been great partners.

Casey would go on to humorously share that one character they intend on getting into the Sonic movies at some point is Big the Cat, remarking that’s the ultimate plan for the franchise, while Miller jokingly stated which movie he will finally make his debut in. Check out the rest of what the franchise writers said below:

Pat Casey: Someday we’re gonna get Big the Cat into these things. That’s where this is all going.

Josh Miller: Yes! In Sonic the Hedgehog Part Ten! Finally.

Pat Casey: Big the Cat is our Thanos, you know?

They Could Be Joking, But May Be Serious

Though their references of a Part 10 and the character being their “Thanos“, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility for Big the Cat to debut in a future Sonic movie. Despite being retired by Sonic Team from future games, Big has remained a part of the wider franchise canon, including appearing in the Sonic X anime, comics and as a supporting player in some game titles. However, the fact that Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s story largely pulled from the second Adventure game could point towards how Big will arrive in the future.

The introduction of Amy Rose in the third movie’s post-credits has led to speculation that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will either adapt the stories of Sonic CD, in which Amy made her game debut, or Heroes. While Big the Cat may not have been a part of the former title, he did have a role in the latter, teaming up with Amy and Cream the Rabbit to find his friend Froggy and a lost Chao named Chocola.


Predicting What Sonic The Hedgehog 4’s Story Will Be Based On The Video Games

Based on the events and characters featured in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Paramount may adapt multiple classic video games for Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Given the third movie introduced the Chao as a restaurant mascot, that storyline doesn’t seem likely to be adapted for future movies. However, if Casey and Miller wanted to give the character a more meaningful role than the games, Sonic the Hedgehog 4‘s story could set up him coming to Earth looking for Amy in a post-credits. It would also continue the franchise’s tradition of leaving audiences on a cliffhanger for new characters’ arrivals.

Our Take On Big The Cat’s Potential Sonic The Hedgehog Arrival

Still A Lot Of Work Needed For Him To Debut

Regardless of when and why he appears in the future, Big the Cat’s potential Sonic the Hedgehog debut won’t necessarily be an easy one. Though it may not be a strictly grounded property, the movies have done well to also avoid being completely cartoonish, territory which Big often ventures into, and if a deft hand isn’t utilized for the character’s introduction, it may feel tonally out of place compared to what’s come before.

Source: Collider

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