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New MCU Spider-Man Actor Addresses Crossover Hopes With Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

New MCU Spider-Man Actor Addresses Crossover Hopes With Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is bringing a new Spider-Man TV show to life in 2025, and its leading star is ready to cross paths with Tom Holland’s version of the web-crawler. While Peter Parker is a year away from his return to the big screen, the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man story will finally give the MCU audience a variation of the Marvel icon’s origin story set in another universe. The MCU timeline has already explored the concept of Spider-Men meeting each other, and Phase 5 is now setting up the possibility of another meeting of variants.

During a new interview with ScreenRant ahead of the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series premiere, Hudson Thames, who voices the titular hero in the animated series, was asked if he would be open to playing the Marvel character in live-action opposite Holland’s version. After having voiced Spider-Man in both What If…? and Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Thames stressed that it would be a dream come true if Marvel Studios came and asked, sharing the following:

Hudson Thames: Yes! That is literally on my dream board to do that. So when this series happened, I was like, ‘Oh my God, it feels like almost that!’ So I would absolutely love to do that.

Given Thames will have now played two different versions of Spider-Man, the prospect of him appearing in one of the MCU’s live-action properties doesn’t seem impossible. Looking at how many other MCU actors have played their characters both in live-action and animation, having the Young Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man actor jump from the TV shows to the big screen should be just as easy. Since Thames did play a version of Holland’s Spider-Man in What If…? and now has his own version of the web-slinger, The Multiverse Saga seems to offer a suitable era for a potential crossover.

In theory, there are natural ways for Holland and Thames’ Spider-Men to meet in live-action, despite the fact the show depicts Peter as younger than Thames himself. While Young Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man season 1 is set to explore Peter’s origin story of sorts, it would be possible for the show to crossover with the MCU by showing an adult version of this Peter. With time travel being an established concept in the MCU, The Multiverse Saga can have the two Spider-Man actors share the screen while not conflicting with the plans that are in store for Young Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

While time will tell if any Spider-Man variants will team up by the end of The Multiverse Saga, it would be fun to have as many versions of the iconic character as possible appear, including Thames. Since Young Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man season 2 is already greenlit, Marvel Studios will be in business with Thames as the popular Marvel hero for a few more years. Hopefully, Hudson Thames will see his wish come true and jump into the world of the MCU’s live-action adventures during his time with Young Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

Don’t miss the first two episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man season 1 on Wednesday, January 29 on Disney+.

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