Sauron’s rise to power in The Lord of the Rings stems from his ability to control the Rings of Power, and these objects have different effects on each of the groups they’re given to. The three Elven rings aren’t corrupted by Sauron, as they’re crafted by Celebrimbor alone. However, the Dwarves’ Rings of Power and the nine Rings for Men have devastating effects on their wearers. The Men of Middle-earth wearing the Rings of Power are turned into Ringwraiths, while the Dwarves’ rings make them greedy and lead to their downfall.
The Dwarves’ greed is shown in The Rings of Power season 2, with King Durin III trying to use the Rings of Power to manipulate the other Dwarven leaders to pay more taxes. He also digs too deeply in Khazad-dûm in the hopes of finding riches — a move that ultimately leads to his demise. While the Rings of Power are dangerous to everyone, they appear to have a very specific effect on the Dwarves of Middle-earth. This raises questions about why they make the Dwarves, in particular, so greedy. J.R.R. Tolkien’s books hold the answer.
The Dwarves Already Had A Greedy Streak In The Lord Of The Rings’ First Age
While the Rings of Power appear to make the Dwarves greedy in the Lord of the Rings universe, it’s worth noting that their avarice is already present prior to receiving the objects. The Dwarves have a greedy streak during J.R.R. Tolkien’s First Age, evidenced by the incident with the Nauglamír and the Elven king, Elu Thingol. The Nauglamír is a magnificent necklace crafted by the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost and given to King Finrod Felagund. According to Tolkien’s legendarium, the Dwarves of Nogrod were later tasked with adding one of the Silmarils to the necklace by Thingol.
Of course, not all the Dwarves in Midde-earth are consumed by avarice, but there are a number of examples of them falling prey to it in Tolkien’s legendarium.
After completing the project, the Dwarves refused to return the Nauglamír to Thingol, and they even killed the Elven king over it. This caused conflict between the Dwarves and the Elves, emphasizing the former’s greed. Of course, not all the Dwarves in Midde-earth are consumed by avarice, but there are a number of examples of them falling prey to it in Tolkien’s legendarium. This is perhaps the clearest one, setting up the Dwarves’ reaction to the Rings of Power before they even existed.
The Seven Rings Amplified The Dwarves’ Existing Greed
Sauron Couldn’t Directly Influence The Dwarves Through Them
With the Dwarves already exhibiting greed in the First Age, the Rings of Power merely amplified what was already there. It’s not so much that the Rings of Power made the Dwarves greedy; they simply bring out the worst instincts of their wearers, and the Dwarves of Middle-earth are overwhelmingly drawn to riches. This is obvious from the events of The Hobbit, and The Rings of Power‘s Khazad-dûm storyline also emphasizes it. The Dwarven characters seek out treasure without the rings influencing them. However, the corrupted objects take this tendency to new heights.

10 Strongest Dwarves In The Lord Of The Rings
Forging Middle-earth’s toughest armor and fighting dragons, the Dwarves are hardy, and the 10 strongest in Lord of the Rings are total heroes.
It’s worth noting that Sauron intended for the Rings of Power to have more devastating effects on the Dwarves; ideally, their reaction should have mirrored the Men of Middle-earth’s. However, the Dwarves showcased more resistance than Sauron expected, rendering him incapable of directly influencing them through the objects. This was why their Rings of Power didn’t turn them invisible or turn them into Nazgûl. Rather than being physically subservient to Sauron, the Dwarves experienced personality changes due to the rings. As a result, their greed became worse.
How The Seven Rings Led To The Dwarves’ Ruin In The Lord Of The Rings
They Became Isolated & It Led To Their Downfall
Although the Dwarves of Middle-earth didn’t face the same consequences as the Men who received Rings of Power, the objects did eventually lead to the Dwarves’ ruin. The Rings of Power made them meaner and more prone to greed, which played directly into Sauron’s hand. The Dwarves’ kingdoms and alliances diminished due to the effects of the rings, and they became isolated and vulnerable because of it. Most of them focused on riches over the troubles plaguing Middle-earth. As Elrond states in LOTR, “They hide in their mountains seeking riches, they care nothing for the troubles of others.“

The Dwarves’ Lord Of The Rings Origin Story Explains Why Sauron & Saruman Turned Evil
The Dwarves have an interesting background in The Lord of the Rings and it cuts right to the core of good and evil in J.R.R. Tolkien’s story.
As the Lord of the Glittering Caves, Gimli helped restore the Dwarven kingdoms to an extent after The Lord of the Rings. However, the Dwarves continued to become less relevant during the Fourth Age, which was deemed the Age of Men. This outcome stemmed from their actions all the way back in the First Age, and it was made worse by the Rings of Power and their impact on the Dwarves prior to The Lord of the Rings.