The stars of Severance recently brought the world of Lumon Industries to life with a special pop-up installation in New York City’s Grand Central Station. Created by Dan Erickson and directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle, Severance delves into the lives of employees at Lumon Industries who undergo a controversial procedure that splits their work and personal memories. Starring Adam Scott as Mark, the psychological thriller series has garnered widespread acclaim, including a Best Drama Series win at the Critics’ Choice Awards. The much-awaited Severance season 2 is set to debut on Apple TV+ January 17.
Show director and executive producer Ben Stiller shared a video on X of Adam Scott vacuuming the floor as his Severance character Mark in a meticulously recreated Lumon Macrodata Refinement (RDA) office surrounded by passers-by and fans in the bustling train station. Britt Lower’s Helly and Zach Cherry’s Dylan wander behind him as Mark’s severed coworkers, who mindlessly clean their desks. Check out the full video below:
What This Pop-Up Means For Severance
Transforming Grand Central Into A Corporate Dystopia
By placing a recognizable part of Lumon Industries and its star-studded cast in the middle of a highly-frequented area, Severance not only attracts attention to its upcoming sophomore season but also seems to highlight the series’ exploration of modern surveillance and the eerie mundanity of corporate life. Trapped in the company’s endless maze of offices and meeting rooms and nonsensical computer tasks, innies (one’s work persona) are deprived of personal autonomy, eternally at work entirely for the benefit of their outies (outside-of-work self).
8 Reasons Severance Season 2’s Reviews Are So Amazing After The 3-Year Wait
Years after season 1’s debut, the reviews for Severance season 2 have been released, proving the show to continue its critically acclaimed streak.
This installation also capitalizes on Severance’s distinctive aesthetic—stark, sterile, and hauntingly clinical—as the unsettling atmosphere of Lumon Industries creates the perfect promotional spectacle. By incorporating cast members like Lower and Scott, the event bridges the gap between the actors’ performances and their characters, reinforcing the duality that lies at the heart of the show’s concept as Helly grapples with her outie’s future as the CEO of Lumon and Mark realizes his outie’s late wife continues to work as Lumon’s Wellness Counselor.
Our Take On Severance’s Lumon-Themed Pop-Up
Lumon Industries Feel Eerily Close To Home
Few shows could pull off such a creative marketing stunt, but Severance’s distinct identity makes it a perfect fit. Scott and the ensemble cast fully commit to their roles in this whirlwind of science fiction and reality. The event thus becomes an inventive way to amplify the anticipation around Severance season 2 while reminding us of why we fell in love with the unsettlingly surreal corporate dystopia of Lumon Industries in the first place. It’s clever, creepy, and quintessentially Severance—a fitting prelude to what promises to be another thrilling season.
Source: Ben Stiller/X