Vigilantes Shares a First Look at Its Unsettling Villain

My Hero Academia‘s new spinoff/prequel series, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, has just released a new promo video, this time showing off its first big villain. Fans may be surprised when they get a good look at her, however, because this villain is no All for One or Overhaul.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes has been releasing new previews on a pretty regular basis, since the show’s premiere is now less than a month away. Several characters have had the spotlight already, such as the original Ingenium, and now it’s the series’ villain’s turn. The villain in question is a young girl known as “Kuin Hachisuka,” who appears to be injecting random people with a Quirk-enhancing drug (Trigger) using a massive cloud of bees. Of course, Kuin’s motivations and goals remain a mystery at this point, and will have to be unveiled slowly over the course of the show.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes’ New Villain Has a Terrifying Power

The Villain’s Control Over Bees is a Surprisingly Deadly Power

Kuin Hachisuka can be seen in the video, which was shared by the official My Hero Academia Vigilantes X (formerly Twitter) account. Her Quirk seemingly allows her to deploy and control a horde of bees, and these aren’t just any bees. In a close-up shot, it can be seen that the bees have syringe-like bodies, allowing them to take in a substance and inject it into just about anyone. By using the Quirk-enhancing drug, Trigger, Kuin is able to turn ordinary people into villains by making their Quirks flow out of control, becoming a danger to those around them.

It’s a very unusual power, but one that’s quite strong as well. If Kuin wanted, she could easily kill just about anyone by injecting them with poison, or even just stinging them with many bees at once. It suggests Kuin has motivations beyond merely causing chaos, although what they are will have to remain to be seen. Could she be in league with a villain fans are already familiar with, or is she operating completely independently?

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Has a Distinctly Different Vibe

Vigilantes is Cultivating Its Own Mood From the Original Series

What’s clear from this video is that Vigilantes isn’t going to just be more of the same. Vigilantes is operating on a different sort of scale than the main series does, focusing in on a particular neighborhood, which really channels the Spider-Man influence that’s all over My Hero Academia. Many scenes are set at night, giving a feeling much like classic Western comics, where many heroes like Batman predominantly work at night.

With older characters, a very particular setting, and a new villain with terrifying powers, My Hero Academia Vigilantes is already working hard to set itself apart. Hopefully, Vigilantes can strike a perfect balance between maintaining the feeling of My Hero Academia and carving out its own unique niche. My Hero Academia Vigilantes has everything it needs to become a classic in its own right, so fans have every reason to be hopeful for the series’ premiere on April 7th.

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